Copyright © The Southern Property Rights Council, Inc. All rights reserved.

Because property rights are something that all conservatives can agree on, Conservatives in Georgia were able to find common ground on the issue of property rights.  In fact, HB 57 was enacted by unanimous vote of the Republican Georgia House of Representatives and by unanimous vote of the Republican Georgia Senate, before being signed into law by Georgia’s Republican governor. Because others in the South feel the same way about property rights and their right to own, use and finance solar energy technology on their home or business property, and because southern conservatives also desire to have their state government stand up and support property rights, we are expanding the legislative initiatives of the Southern Property Rights Council to Georgia's neighboring states, including Alabama and Tennessee, through the efforts of the Alabama Property Rights Council and Tennessee Property Rights Council.​

Learn about the Alabama Property Rights Council, LLC here.

Learn about the Tennessee Property Rights Council, LLC here.

Detailed Explanation of HB 57

The Southern Property Rights Council was formed by a broad coalition of concerned fiscally conservative property rights advocates who believe that every American possesses the right to use solar energy to provide for the energy needs of their family and businesses using the free resources of the sun. The Southern Property Rights Council has several state chapters, including the Georgia Property Rights Council, Alabama Property Rights Council, and Tennessee Property Rights Council.

Our most recent success comes from working within the conservative legal and political framework of the Georgia state legislature, where we worked with the Southern Property Rights Council’s Georgia chapter to gain the agreement of fiscally conservative Georgian legislators, the Georgia Governor, all 100 of Georgia’s electric utilities, solar businesses, and community coalitions, in the historic passage of Georgia HB 57, now enacted and signed into law in Georgia as the Georgia Solar Power Free-Market Financing Act of 2015.